Infidelity Investigations
I get a lot of calls from clients who want surveillance of their significant other to determine if they are being unfaithful. Because of this, I wanted to address some of the issues involved.
What is "infidelity"? It is disloyalty, a breach of trust. Most of all, it is very painful for the one who is being betrayed. This applies equally to both men and women.
Most of my clients have a "gut feeling" that something in their relationship is off. My experience has taught me that the client's feelings are usually right. Not always, but usually.
An investigation can get at the truth, and go a long way to reducing the client's anxiety.
My clients report behavioral "red flags such as: Their partner has become more concerned with their appearance; they are going to the gym, buying new clothes. They are becoming secretive about where they go, who they are with, when they will be coming back home. They don't want the client to see their cell phone or their email. There are long absences from home; working longer hours, overnight trips out of town. They don't answer the phone. They become irritable, defensive or angry when questioned about their behavior. They show a decreased interest in their partner, in their family obligations.
Feeling helpless is not a good place to be. If you can do something about your situation, if you can find out the truth, this is how you get your power back and your life on track.
If you want to discuss a possible investigation, there is no charge to do so. Please do not hesitate to call and ask for help. This is what we do, and we are here for you.